Nutrition and Wound healing:
The Right Components Are lmportant
Eat a variety of foods each day and aim for:
30-35 calories/kg
body weight
At least 1 ml for
every colorie provided
1.25-1.5 g/kg
body weight
Meet the RDA every day
Women: 75 mg/clay
Men: 90 mg/day
Test for deficiency and
supplement as needed
Meet the RDA e every day
Women: 8 mg/day
Men: 11 mg/day
+ PLUS 2-ounce sewing of Expedite™ daily
Expedite provides the collagen dipeptides prolyl-hydroxyproline (PO) and hydroxyprolyl glycine (OG), which stimulate fibroblasts to produce dermal extracellular matrix components during the proliferative phase of wound healing and L-citrulline, which is efficiently converted to bioavailable arginine in the kidneys